• HttpImageFilter
  • Example Configuration
  • 指令
  • image_filter
  • image_filter_buffer
  • image_filter_jpeg_quality
  • image_filter_transparency
  • References


    Version: 0.7.54+

    This module is a filter for transforming JPEG, GIF and PNG images. It is not enabled by default to enable it, provide this option to ./configure when building nginx: 这个模块用来分发JPEG,GIF和PNG图片。这个没有默认开启,在编译nginx中通过./configure参数配置

    1. --with-http_image_filter_module

    libgd is required to build and run the module. We recommend using the latest version of libgd. 编译和运行这个模块必须安装libgd库。我们推荐使用最新版本的Libgd.

    Example Configuration

    1. location /img/ {
    2. proxy_pass http://backend;
    3. image_filter resize 150 100;
    4. error_page 415 = /empty;
    5. }
    6. location = /empty {
    7. empty_gif;
    8. }



    Syntax:*image_filter (test|size|resize width height|crop width height)*



    Specifies the type of transformation to apply to the image, one of the below: 详细的图片后缀类型如下:

    • test: checking that the response is indeed an image format JPEG, GIF or PNG. Otherwise, an error 415.测试:测试确定图片文件的后缀格式为JPEG,GIF OR PNG。否则返回415错误

    • size: Gives information about the image in JSON format. For example,尺寸:返回JSON格式的图片信息。例如:

    1. { "img" : { "width": 100, "height": 100, "type": "gif" } }

    Or if an error occurs, 或者如果发生错误,

    1. {}
    • resize: proportionally reduces the image to a specified size.调整大小:缩略图片到特定的尺寸

    • crop: proportionally reduces the image to a specified size and trims extra edge.切割:切割图片到特定的尺寸和特定的分辨率


    Syntax:*image_filter_buffer size*


    Context:*http, server, location*

    Sets the maximum size for reading the image. 设置读取文件的最大的尺寸


    Syntax:*image_filter_jpeg_quality [0…100]*


    Context:*http, server, location*

    Sets the rate of loss of information when processing the images as JPEG. The maximum recommended value is 95. 设置处理JPEG图片的丢失信息率.推荐的最大值为95


    Syntax:*image_filter_transparency on|off*


    Context:*http, server, location*

    This directive allows you to disable image transparency in GIF and palette-based PNG to improve image resampling quality. 这个指令容许你关闭GIF图片的透明度和 PNG图片质量

    True color PNG alpha-channels are always preserved despite this setting. 真彩色PNG图片保存忽略设定

    Note: Grayscale PNG's are untested, but should be handled as truecolor PNGs. 注释:灰度PNG图片未被设置,但应该被作为真彩色PNG图片处理


    Original Documentation

    原文: https://wizardforcel.gitbooks.io/nginx-doc/content/Text/4.15_imagefilter.html