• 配置应用以使用Redux
    • Registering Ng2-Redux with Angular 2
    • Create our Application Reducer
    • Create and Configure a Store


    Once you have the reducers and actions created, it is time to configure your Angular 2 application to make use of Ng2-Redux. For this, we will need to:

    • Register Ng2-Redux with Angular 2
    • Create our application reducer
    • Create and configure a store

    Registering Ng2-Redux with Angular 2


    1. import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    2. import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
    3. import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
    4. import { NgReduxModule, NgRedux } from 'ng2-redux';
    5. import { SimpleRedux } from './containers/app-container';
    6. @NgModule({
    7. imports: [
    8. BrowserModule,
    9. NgReduxModule
    10. ],
    11. declarations: [
    12. SimpleRedux
    13. ],
    14. bootstrap: [ SimpleRedux ]
    15. })
    16. class AppModule {
    17. }
    18. platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);

    Here, we’re simply adding the NgReduxModule class as an import in our NgModule declaration.

    Create our Application Reducer


    1. import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
    2. import counter from './counter-reducer';
    3. export default combineReducers({
    4. counter
    5. });

    combineReducers allows us to break out our application into smaller reducers with a single area of concern. Each reducer that you pass into it will control a property on the state. So when we are subscribing to our state changes with Ng2-Redux’s @select decorator, we are able to select a counter property, or any other reducers you have provided.

    Create and Configure a Store

    Next we want Ng2-Redux to configure our store based on settings we provide. This should be done once, in the top-level component of your application.


    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. import { NgRedux } from 'ng2-redux';
    3. import logger from '../store/configure-logger';
    4. import reducer from '../reducers';
    5. @Component({
    6. // ...
    7. })
    8. class SimpleRedux {
    9. constructor(ngRedux: NgRedux) {
    10. const initialState = {};
    11. const middleware = [ logger ];
    12. ngRedux.configureStore(reducer, initialState, middleware);
    13. }
    14. }

    In this example we are creating a store that uses the redux-logger middleware, which will add some logging functionality to the application.